WV Strong: Wayne Nursing and Rehabilitation Center frontline heroes

Wayne County

The frontline heroes at the Wayne Nursing and Rehabilitation Center were nominated as Better Angels for their diligence and professionalism during this pandemic. In the initial outbreak at the beginning of April, Wayne Nursing and Rehab procured enough testing kits to test all employees and all patients for the virus. Sadly, nine patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 passed away. But by June, with strong leadership and determination to eradicate COVID-19 from the facility, the last patient with a diagnosis had recovered for a total of 77 recoveries.

In addition to the Wayne Nursing and Rehabilitation team, the Wayne County community truly came together during this crisis and I’m proud to recognize their efforts as well. From donations of food and masks, to cards and signs showing their support to patients and their families and to healthcare professionals, you made it clear you are all truly WV Strong.