June 21, 2011

Manchin: It's Time to Rebuild America, Not Afghanistan | WHSV News

In a conference call with West Virginia reporters today, United States Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) called on President Obama to begin a substantial and responsible reduction in the United States’ military presence in Afghanistan.

With the country facing a death spiral of debt, Senator Manchin urged the President to focus this nation’s resources on rebuilding America, not rebuilding Afghanistan.

Senator Manchin will send a letter to the President, asking him to make significant troop reductions and end the scope of our current mission in Afghanistan well before 2014.

Later Tuesday or early Wednesday, Senator Manchin will also deliver a speech on the Senate floor to fully outline the serious economic challenges we face in America, and why the time has come for President Obama pursue a different strategy.

“The time has come to make the difficult decision,” Senator Manchin said. “Charity begins at home. We can no longer afford to rebuild Afghanistan and America. We must choose. And I choose America.”

Senator Manchin traveled to Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries in the region in February, met with local leaders and witnessed firsthand the significant challenges facing American troops bravely serving there.