June 05, 2019

Senator Joe Manchin Skypes with Jefferson County Students | WDVM

CHARLES TOWN, W.Va. - West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin spent his Tuesday morning with several Washington High Business and CTE students over Skype.

Senator Manchin answered questions regarding the broadband access in the state. Manchin talked to the students about how some citizens that live in rural areas have to travel miles to get broadband access, which, according to the senator isn't acceptable and the students agreed.

"It's important so West Virginia can catch up to states around us like the metropolitan DC area, just the city itself so we have the same opportunities in connectivity as everyone else around us," said Washington High School Student Jacob Ouimet.

Senator Manchin introduced his map improvement act in May which will try to establish a new standard for broadband coverage that's consistent for all areas of the state.


By:  Caroline Morse