April 13, 2020

WV Strong: Ben Shumiloff

I want to thank Shalee Shumiloff for sending me today’s Better Angel, Ben Shumiloff.

Since it is Autism Awareness Month, Shalee wanted to share the story of how her son, Ben is being WV Strong through this tough time.

Shalee said that with school closed, she feared that a lack of normal routines would throw him for a loop. But in Shalee’s words:

“He is doing word searches, math, painting and watching his favorite shows. He loves his puppy. He asks a lot of questions. He wants to fill in the dates on his calendar. He loves to FaceTime to keep connected to those he loves and misses. But he never complains. He keeps on smiling.

I feared Autism would have a negative impact on him during this. It isn’t. I think he is actually enjoying the slower pace and our time at home as a family. This has all shown me to appreciate the little things that have been lost in the hectic world we were living in. When this is all over, I hope we all come out better people, with greater appreciation for the fine details of life. Those details Ben sees every day, but that we often overlook. We hope everyone can keep smiling!  Ben sure is and his smile is contagious!”

Ben truly is WV Strong and I wish him the very best.