March 31, 2021

Manchin: West Virginia Receiving Another Increase In Weekly COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation

Charleston, WV – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), received an update on the weekly increase in COVID-19 vaccine allocation for West Virginia. West Virginia will receive a total increase of 1,600 Moderna vaccine doses and an increase of 16,800 Johnson & Johnson doses.

“As national COVID-19 vaccine production increases, West Virginia continues to see increases in our state’s dose allocation. Due to the continued dose increases, West Virginia is now able to offer the COVID-19 vaccine to anyone 16 years of age and older. This vaccine allocation increase is great news for our state and brings us one step closer to ensuring every West Virginian that wants a vaccine can receive one. I will continue to work with the Biden Administration to quickly procure additional does for the Mountain State,” said Senator Manchin.

A timeline of Senator Manchin’s recent efforts on increasing vaccine distribution below:

  • January 21, 2021Senator Manchin spoke with General Gus Perna, Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed on COVID-19 vaccine procurement and distribution about the need for additional vaccines in West Virginia. He received assurances that the Biden Administration is ramping up manufacturing and expects to see an increase in distribution to every state in early February. 
  • January 24, 2021 – Senator Manchin spoke with members of the National Economic Council and stressed that the number one priority must be quickly producing and efficiently distributing the vaccine throughout the country.
  • February 16, 2021Senator Manchin received notification that two West Virginia health center systems would soon be receiving direct COVID-19 vaccine dose shipments and that West Virginia would receive another weekly Pfizer vaccine dose increase.
  • March 3, 2021Senator Manchin applauded the first Johnson & Johnson vaccine allocation for West Virginia and an increase in the weekly Pfizer allocation.
  • March 11, 2021Senator Manchin received notification that West Virginia would receive its seventh increase in weekly vaccine allocation and that nine health centers across West Virginia were eligible to order vaccine doses directly from the federal government, increasing West Virginia’s overall dose allocation.
  • March 24, 2021Senator Manchin received notification that West Virginia would receive an increase of 11,700 first and second Pfizer vaccine doses and an increase of 8,800 Johnson & Johnson doses.