May 01, 2019

Manchin Statement On Verso Paper Mill Closure, Impacting Mineral County, Potomac Highlands Region

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement on the closure of Verso’s paper mill in Luke, Maryland, which will impact West Virginians in Mineral County and throughout the Potomac Highlands region. The closing will eliminate 675 jobs and will negatively impact the local economies of both states.

“I am incredibly disappointed by the news that Verso’s paper mill in Luke, Maryland will close this summer, and my heart goes out to the 675 hard-working employees and their families who have been devastated by this news, as well as the many local businesses who work to support the mill.  There are so many West Virginians who work alongside our Maryland neighbors at this plant, and this closure will cost them their jobs and deal a huge blow to the local economy. I spoke with Verso’s CEO Leslie Lederer and Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland right after I heard to see if there was a way to save any of these jobs and unfortunately there is not. They both are committed to working with me and our state to help those losing their jobs find a new job and access resources during this difficult time. I will do everything in my power to help every single worker negatively affected by Verso’s closure, and to attract good-paying jobs in this region.   The workers at this plant are to be commended for their years of dedicated service, and we must all come together to support them and their families.” 
