November 22, 2017


Charleston, WV – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) today released the following statement wishing West Virginians a happy Thanksgiving:

“As we gather around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, it’s important for all of us to reflect on the great blessings we share as West Virginians and Americans. In the Manchin household, we were always taught that if you can count your blessings, you can share your blessings. This lesson has stuck with me throughout my adult life and I have tried to pass it along to my children and grandchildren. One the blessings I always count is my family and loved ones. That’s why last week I introduced a resolution in the Senate that designates the week of Thanksgiving ‘National Family Week.’ This week, we are surrounded by our families and loved ones and we must never forget to give thanks for them.

“This Thanksgiving, let us thank our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Guard Members and Reservists who sacrifice so much, including seeing their own family this holiday, so that we may enjoy the comfort and safety of this great country. Their courage and strength shine as an example of what it means to express love for one’s country.

“Each day presents its own unique struggles and anxieties, but it’s always important to remember the blessing of living in the great country on Earth. I would like to thank all of the wonderful people of West Virginia who have given me the opportunity to represent them. On behalf of Gayle and our whole family, we wish you and your family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. God bless America, and God bless the great state of West Virginia.”
