June 03, 2024

ICYMI: Manchin Registers As Independent

Washington, DC – On Friday, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) registered as an independent at the West Virginia State Capitol and issued a video statement.

“My commitment to my great country has been doing everything I can to make sure that we can survive as a representative form of democracy, a government that the people are in control of, not the party systems. And today, for me to be able to fulfill that, I have changed my registration to independent,” Senator Manchin said in part. “We need to come together as a country, making sure both parties have the opportunity to bring the best ideas forward to fix the problems that we all face. The American brand is the one I carry most proudly and it always will be – I can be more effective as an independent than by having a D or an R next to my name and I look forward to working with you all to fix the broken system that the political parties have taken control of.”

Photos are available here.

A video is available here.