January 04, 2013

Inauguration Ceremony Information

Senator Manchin invites all West Virginians who are attending the inauguration ceremonies to join him and Gayle for coffee in his Washington office on Monday morning in between 7 - 9 a.m. Please stop by!

The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) launched a website for the 2013 Presidential Inauguration as well as the ceremonies' first-ever page on Facebook. Both sites are designed to be informative of Inaugural history and provide up-to-date information on the January 21, 2013 Inauguration Day Ceremony. 

Please visit the Presidential Inaugural Committee's web site here: http://www.2013pic.org/?nosplash=true

The inauguration web site can be found at http://www.inaugural.senate.gov/.

Its Facebook page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/JCCIC.

Also follow updates on Twitter at https://twitter.com/JCCIC2013.

To request tickets to the 57th Presidential Inauguration, please call Senator Manchin's Martinsburg office at 304-264-4626.