July 26, 2017

Manchin: A Vote to Proceed Debate is a Vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement on his vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act.

“Make no mistake; the vote today was a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a plan to replace it. There is no plan for the West Virginians in addiction treatment covered under expanded Medicaid; no plan for the seniors whose healthcare costs would become unaffordable; and no plan for the miner with black lung who wouldn’t be able to get the care that they need because their rural clinic had to shut down. They effectively voted to throw the most vulnerable in West Virginia out into the cold.

“Worse, we still don’t even know what proposal Senator McConnell wants us to vote on. Forget reading the bill, we haven’t even seen the bill. This is not how we are supposed to do things, and it shuts out the people who elected us.  I stand ready to work with any of my colleagues to make healthcare more accessible and affordable. I hope we’ll stop this partisan approach and do what West Virginians always expect us to do – work together to solve problems.”
