March 08, 2018

Manchin Applauds President Trump for Imposing Tariffs to Protect American Workers and National Security

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) applauded President Trump’s announcement of tariffs on imported steel and aluminum to protect American workers and national security.

“Historically, trade deals have not been good for our state of West Virginia. Foreign countries have benefited and grown, at the expense of our state’s economy and hard-working West Virginians. As big, multi-lateral trade agreements have been ratified and Wall Street and big corporations line their pockets, we’ve seen jobs pour out of West Virginia for cheaper labor markets in foreign countries.

“Our country has the lowest trade and non-tariff barriers in the world. We have played by the rules and what has it gotten us – half a trillion dollar trade deficits and good paying jobs exported to foreign countries. It’s past time to defend our interests, our security and our workers in the global economy and that is exactly what the President is proposing with these tariffs. I believe our allies and our trading partners will understand that the President cannot stay silent any longer, he must give this country and West Virginia workers a fighting chance.

“When we have a level playing field, West Virginia workers will win every time. We will out work, out innovate and out compete anyone in the world, but we can’t win when the deck is stacked against us. I’m glad we are finally standing up for ourselves, and I applaud President Trump’s leadership and willingness to hold places like China accountable for the damage they’ve done to our economy.”
