June 06, 2019


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), members of the Appropriations Committee, today announced $2,414,000 for West Virginia through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Brownfields Program. Funding will support the remediation of environmental hazards present at several properties in the state, as well as assessments to determine further sites that need to be remediated in the future to be put back into productive use.

“As Ranking Member on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, one of my key priorities is making sure every West Virginian has clean water to drink and fresh air to breathe. Projects like these that assess and clean up pollution not only give every West Virginian a cleaner environment to live in and enjoy, but also help bring new businesses to our state. I am proud that the EPA is continuing to partner with communities across West Virginia to enhance the beauty and economic vitality of our state,” Senator Manchin said.

“West Virginia’s manufacturing and industrial base employs thousands of West Virginians, supporting communities and providing good-paying jobs,” Senator Capito said. “Unfortunately, some industries have left a legacy of environmental issues that must be addressed in order for these communities to grow and remain healthy. I have been a strong supporter of the EPA Brownfields Program and other initiatives that give our state the resources to protect West Virginians’ health and clean up contaminated sites for future development, and I was proud to work with local leaders to secure this funding. I will continue to do everything I can to ensure West Virginia has healthy communities and a robust economy.”

Individual awards listed below:

·        Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle - $600,000

·        Coalfield Development Corporation - $500,000

·        Ronceverte Development Corporation - $414,000

·        West Virginia Land Stewardship Corporation - $300,000

·        Belomar Regional Council - $200,000

·        Save the Tygart Watershed Association - $200,000

·        Wayne County Economic Development Authority - $200,000
