August 03, 2020

Manchin: DoD Policy Position Should Be Approved By Senate

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement on the Administration’s decision to place Anthony Tata in a deputy undersecretary position at the Department of Defense (DoD) that does not need Senate approval after withdrawing his nomination last week for Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. This decision skirts the Senate’s Constitutional duty to advise and consent on Administration nominations.

“One of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s most important functions is to provide initial consent for Department of Defense nominees in advance of their consideration before the entire Senate. Mr. Tata was unable to secure majority support and appropriately withdrew his nomination. His withdrawal and lack of support from the Senate serve as clear indicators that this position and its duties should be carried out by a nominee that the Senate can agree on.”