July 09, 2013

Manchin: ‘It's Time to Stand Up for Fairness’

Senator Manchin fully supports United Mine Workers of America to demand Patriot Coal provides fair health care benefits for hardworking miners and their families

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) today offered full support behind the United Mine Workers of America rally in Fairmont to demand Patriot Coal provides fair health care benefits for hardworking miners and their families.

“I am proud to support the United Mine Workers of America and some of our country’s most dedicated and hardworking people, our coal miners, to demand what’s right and fair at today’s rally in Fairmont. A few weeks ago, I marched shoulder-to-shoulder with some of these very same people in Charleston and rallied for fairness and trust. If I could, I’d be in my hometown today standing beside them again.

“Our miners worked their fingers to the bone every single day to provide the fuel that powers America, and these companies made a promise to them. A promise they earned and deserved.

“The recent court ruling is a travesty. It is just wrong that Peabody can set up a company such as Patriot, fill that company with its liabilities and then spin that company off for the sole purpose of avoiding its contractual and moral obligations to its workers. I don’t think bankruptcy laws were ever designed to shield corporations from their promises and responsibilities. And, I pledge to fight for fairness in the bankruptcy system.

“It is time to take a stand for fairness. It is time for these companies to keep their promises to our hardworking miners and their families by continuing to provide their hard-earned health care benefits and pensions.”
