May 06, 2021

Manchin Named Most Bipartisan Senator For Third Year In A Row

Charleston, WV – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) today released the following statement on CQ Roll Call’s bipartisan Congressional rankings. For the third year in a row, Senator Manchin has been ranked the most bipartisan Member of the Senate. In 2020, he crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans on nearly 40% of all votes taken. CQ Roll Call is the only ranking of bipartisanship based on actual votes taken by Members of Congress.

“I have always prided myself on my efforts to reach across the aisle to work with my colleagues and do what is best for West Virginia and our nation. I am proud this ranking from CQ Roll Call reflects those efforts. Last year, I led tough bipartisan negotiations that ultimately delivered desperately needed COVID relief for hardworking Americans. During my first Congress as the lead Democrat on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, we were able to pass the bipartisan Energy Innovation Act of 2020 and the bipartisan Great American Outdoors Act proving that bipartisanship can still be effective when you’re willing to put in the work. I truly believe that to be bipartisan, you must approach all legislation and all votes with an open mind, understanding that neither party has all the answers. Unfortunately, each Congress we see less bipartisanship and more gridlock leaving Congress unable to meet the needs of the American people. It is not too late to correct this for the American people and I urge my colleagues – both Democrat and Republican – to genuinely give bipartisanship a chance for the sake of the democracy we all cherish.”

The report found that Congress, unsurprisingly, approached record levels of partisanship in 2020. In the Senate, the parties opposed each other on 188 of 292 roll calls, or 64.4 percent of the time. That’s up from last year’s 54 percent. The average Senate Republican voted with their party 97.5% of the time while the average Senate Democrat voted with their party 93% of the time. This is what makes Senator Manchin unique.

In the House of Representatives, the two parties aligned against each other on 176 of 252 roll call votes, or 69.8 percent of the time — up 1.8 percentage points from 2019. The average House Democrat voted with their party 97.5% of the time while the average House Republican voted with their party 95% of the time.

To view CQ Roll Call’s rankings, please click here.