October 07, 2013

Manchin, Rahall Announce Funding for Summers County Wastewater Infrastructure

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin and Rep. Nick Rahall (both D-W.Va.), Monday announced Federal funding for the Meadow Creek Public Service District (PSD) Wastewater System extension project.

"This funding for the Meadow Creek project will not only extend water and wastewater services to current residents and businesses, it also will help to put into place the necessary water infrastructure for the area's tourism industry and future economic development, helping to bring new revenues and jobs to Summers County.  Tapping into the resources of the Appalachian Regional Commission, which my Committee oversees, has helped to fund needed water and wastewater projects throughout Southern West Virginia, bringing cleaner, safer water to families and businesses all across the region," said Rahall.

“Investing in infrastructure projects that make sure our communities are connected to basic necessitates of life, like water, are critical for the continued wellbeing of our great state,” Manchin said. “Not only do all West Virginians deserve access to clean and safe water, but this project will also help boost the local economy, protect tourism activities in the region and prepare for future success in southern West Virginia.” 

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), prior to the government shutdown on October 1, approved the $1.58 million grant to the Summers County Commission for the Meadow Creek Public Service District (PSD) project, which will serve 84 households, a church, a post office, and the National Park Service Meadow Creek campground.  The project will extend sewer service to 25 households currently not served.

The ARC funds will be used to leverage $215,000 in other Federal and state funds, as well as nearly $651,000 from local sources, bringing total project funding to $2,444,000.
