October 09, 2013

Manchin, Rahall, Rockefeller Announce Funding for Anti-Drug Efforts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Nick Rahall, co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse, along with Senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin (all D-W.Va.), Wednesday announced Federal funding for two southern West Virginia community coalitions working to strengthen local anti-drug efforts among youths.

“West Virginians have shown that we are not powerless in battling drug abuse.  The STOP Coalition and Cabell County Substance Abuse Prevention Partnership are excellent examples of how West Virginians concerned about the harmful impact of illicit drugs on our families and workplaces can join together and take positive action in behalf of our communities,” said Rahall, who invited the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy to Huntington earlier this year and has lobbied for Federal resources to expand drug awareness programs in southern West Virginia.  

The Cabell County Substance Abuse Prevention Partnership in Huntington and Strong Through Our Plan (STOP) Coalition in Gilbert will each receive $125,000 to strengthen community partnerships that foster drug-free environments for young people. The funding supports salaries for staff, as well as community work and education programs and events, to prevent underage drinking and drug abuse.

The funding was approved, prior to the October 1 government shutdown, by the Office of National Drug Control Policy through the Drug Free Communities (DFC) grant program.  The DFC program supports community coalitions comprised of parents, teachers, youths, religious organizations, and business professionals in preventing and reducing illicit substance use among youth.  Rahall has noted that some Federal grants approved prior to the government shutdown, but not yet awarded, may not be transmitted until the government shutdown is ended and Federal agencies resume full operations.

“As Washington remains entangled in an unnecessary shutdown, I will continue to press to prevent anti-drug programs needed by our communities from being undercut,” said Rahall.
