May 08, 2020

Manchin: Republican Lawsuit To Eliminate Healthcare For Those With Pre-Existing Conditions During COVID-19 Is Unthinkable

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement on the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) decision to file with Republican Attorneys General in the Texas v. United States case which aims to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as unconstitutional.

“The DOJ is continuing to double down on this awful Republican lawsuit which would leave 800,000 West Virginians and millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions without health insurance. This was always a shameful position but it is unthinkable that in the middle of a healthcare crisis – like the COVID-19 pandemic – Republican Attorneys General would still seek to eliminate healthcare for 800,000 of our friends and neighbors.

“I have stated over and over again that the ACA is not perfect, but we simply cannot throw the baby out with the bath water. While the COVID-19 pandemic rages on across our country, I will continue to advocate for Congress to pass my bipartisan, commonsense legislation that will fix our current healthcare system without throwing millions off of their health insurance. Every West Virginian and American deserves access to quality, affordable health insurance and I will not stop fighting until their access is protected.”