December 10, 2013

Manchin, Rockefeller, Rahall Announce Funding for Logan County Head Start Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Jay Rockefeller, along with Rep. Nick Rahall (all D-W.Va.), Tuesday announced Head Start funding for PRIDE Community Services.

“West Virginia is blessed with community organizations, like PRIDE, that are providing critical education and nutritional assistance to children in Logan County.  As the Congress considers the Federal budget for the coming year, I continue to press to raise awareness about the importance of Head Start programs in our State and to ensure that our children, regardless of economic circumstances, have an opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Rahall.  “As parents and grandparents, we know time and loving care invested in our children early on pays huge dividends throughout their lives. By encouraging learning, improving graduation rates, and ensuring that our children have the 21st century skills, we better equip our Nation to compete in the ever-growing global economy.”

“I’ve long supported the Head Start program and stood behind its critically important mission of providing our youngest West Virginians with the support and structure they need to succeed once they enter the classroom,” said Rockefeller. “This funding for PRIDE Community Services will give children in the Logan County community the opportunity to access health, education and social services, all of which are necessary to building in these girls and boys strong foundations for the future.”

“We have a responsibility to make sure that all of our kids get the care, education, and services they need to become successful,” said Manchin. “It is important to invest in educational opportunities like Head Start that can help lead our next generation to a brighter future, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to make sure these essential programs remain funded for West Virginia children. This grant will ensure that our kids in Logan County receive access to necessary resources that will help our educated students compete in the global marketplace, which strengthens our economy and keeps jobs here at home.”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded $781,931 to PRIDE Community Services, Inc., of Logan, to continue its Head Start program, which serves 235 children in 25 collaborative classrooms throughout Logan County. 

Head Start is a national development program for low-income children that prepares them for school from a young age. The HHS program provides comprehensive education activities in classrooms, as well as other services such as social, nutritional, health and mental health, and transportation for children and their families.

PRIDE’s Head Start Program began in May 1965, making it one of the oldest such programs in the nation.
