July 03, 2018

Manchin Statement on Fourth of July

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) today released the following statement in honor of the Fourth of July.  

“The Declaration of Independence, penned and signed on this day in 1776, etched into history the birth of a nation that stood for freedom, for equality, and for the tireless pursuit of happiness. That document founded the greatest country civilization has ever seen, whose infamous liberty and boundless opportunity remains to this day the envy of the world.

“The preservation of these ideals would not have been possible were it not for the generations of brave men and women in the armed forces who have dedicated their lives to keeping this country safe and, most importantly, free. While a celebration is in order, we cannot overlook the debt we owe to each of these individuals and their families, a debt we can only pay back by standing up every day for the American ideals they fought to protect.

“Politics can often divide us, and limit who we associate with based on who is red and who is blue. But today, we get to celebrate the collective red, white, and blue. Today, we are united through our affinity for American flag clothing and accessories. We are united through the distinct smell of barbeque in neighbors all around the country. We are united through our collective upward gaze at the fireworks that paint the sky in celebratory explosions of light and color. Today, we are united as one people, and as one nation.

“So let every flag that flies and community that gathers be a reminder of the freedom this country declared for itself over 240 years ago, of the freedom that has allowed us to come so far as a country since that day, and of the freedom that allows us to move forward to where we have yet to go. Happy Independence Day.”
