November 02, 2017


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement on the tax reform proposal released today.

“My test for a good tax reform proposal is simple: does it enable working West Virginians to keep more of their hard-earned money, does it help West Virginia businesses create jobs, and does it do these things without exploding our debt. The tax reform proposal unveiled today does not pass this test and does not reflect the goals President Trump and I have discussed over the last several months. It puts investors ahead of workers, raises rates on the small businesses who create most of our jobs, and dramatically increases our national debt. None-the-less, I believe tax reform is something we must do, so in the coming days, I will do what West Virginians do best – bring people together and find common ground so that we can get something done. I am hopeful that my Republican colleagues will listen to my feedback and work with me to improve this package.”
