March 12, 2015

Manchin Statement Opposing WV Bill Eliminating Concealed Carry Permit and Training Requirements

Senator Joe Manchin issued the following statement opposing Senate Bill 347 that eliminates permit and training requirements for those who carry concealed weapons.

“As a law-abiding gun owner, hunter, card-carrying life member of the NRA and Second Amendment advocate, I have always supported a West Virginian’s right to bear arms. Senate Bill 347 would allow a person to carry a concealed gun without a permit or requirement of safety training and that is irresponsible and dangerous to the people of West Virginia. There is not one West Virginian whose Second Amendment rights will be infringed without this bill. With the right to bear arms comes the responsibility to use it in a safe and reasonable manner. In West Virginia, we believe in gun sense, which is common sense, and it only makes common sense for concealed carry applicants to receive proper training. I commend the brave legislators who voted no and represented their constituents who know that this is irresponsible. I strongly oppose Senate Bill 347.”
