January 25, 2013

Manchin Thanks FDA Committee on Vote to Place Tighter Controls on Addictive Drug

FDA Advisory Committee votes to reclassify hydrocodone to prevent prescription drug abuse

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) announced today that he is grateful the FDA Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee has voted to reschedule drugs containing hydrocodone after listening to his testimony at a public meeting earlier this morning. The recommendation will help guide the FDA in their final decision to reschedule the addictive drug.

“Today was a huge step forward in fighting to help curb the prescription drug abuse epidemic that has ravaged our state and our country,” Senator Manchin said. “Rescheduling hydrocodone from a Schedule III to a Schedule II drug will help prevent these highly addictive drugs from getting into the wrong hands. I want to sincerely thank the committee for listening to West Virginians’ heart-wrenching stories that I shared today. 

“Every city, town and home I’ve visited across West Virginia is affected by this critical problem in some way, shape and form. It seems that any 18 to 25 year old can go to any doctor, claim they have chronic pain, and get a recurring prescription for 120+ of these pills per month. The high price people are willing to pay for these drugs on the street inevitably gives our young, drug dealing citizens more incentive to continue in their illegal behavior than to earn an honest living. 

“With that being said, it is now in the FDA’s hands to help stop this epidemic. It is my hope that the FDA implements the committee’s recommendations and reschedules these addictive drugs immediately.”
