January 10, 2013

Manchin to Lead National Organization Promoting Country Over Party Politics

Manchin, Huntsman to host conference call with West Virginia reporters Tues. Jan 15

Washington, D.C. – In an effort to bring more Americans together around commonsense solutions, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has agreed to lead No Labels, a national citizen-led effort to change Washington attitudes and make Congress work.

Senator Manchin and former Governor Jon Huntsman, a Utah Republican, are serving as honorary co-chairs of the organization.

“We need to fix our politics from the inside, but we need help from the outside,” Senator Manchin said. “No Labels is the only organization out there that can bring people together to demand that both parties put the country’s needs ahead of politics. No Labels can set a whole new standard of what’s expected from our national leaders. But we need Americans to help us – and demand better than what we’re getting now.”

Senator Manchin and Governor Huntsman will make their first public appearance as the national leaders of No Labels on Monday, Jan. 14 at a grassroots leadership event in New York.

Manchin and Huntsman will host more than 1,300 No Labels members, including private citizens and elected officials, at the “Meeting to Make America Work.” The gathering will feature dozens of House and Senate members from all across the country who not only are willing to reach across the political divide to address the major issues but are also committed to meeting regularly as “problem solvers.”

On Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 10:30 a.m., Senator Manchin and Governor Huntsman will host a conference call with West Virginia reporters to outline their agenda.

“This is a great honor to be asked to work with Jon Huntsman to help No Labels become a catalyst for the big changes we need in Washington,” Senator Manchin said. “Jon and I come from different parties, but we come from the same background as governors, where you don’t worry about politics – you worry about your state and its people.”

“As governors, both Jon Huntsman and Joe Manchin developed well-earned reputations as problem solvers,” said No Labels Co-Founder Mark McKinnon. “That’s precisely the attitude we need more of in Washington and these two leaders will be great advocates and spokesmen for our movement.”

“At this moment in our history, working to bridge the partisan divide is both the principled and patriotic thing to do,” said No Labels Co-Founder Bill Galston. “Governor Huntsman and Senator Manchin can play a critical role in building support across the country for our parties coming together.”
