March 16, 2016

Manchin Urges West Virginians to Send Thoughts on Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland

Washington, D.C. – As he carefully evaluates the qualifications of Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is asking West Virginians to send their thoughts and concerns on his nomination to SupremeCourtNominee@Manchin.Senate.Gov. He is also encouraging West Virginians to review his qualifications and his record. 

"I look forward to evaluating Merrick Garland’s qualifications to be a justice on the Supreme Court,” Senator Manchin said. “Senators have a constitutional obligation to advise and consent on a nominee to fill this Supreme Court vacancy. During the vetting process, I’d like to hear the thoughts and concerns of West Virginians, and I encourage them to review his qualifications themselves.”

For more information on Merrick Garland’s qualifications, please click here. 

To read Senator Manchin’s full statement on the Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, please click here.
