September 28, 2011

Rockefeller, Manchin, Rahall Announce Federal Funds to Protect Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

WASHINGTON, D.C – Senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin, as well as Congressman Nick Rahall, today announced $1,998,033 in federal funding to help communities and organizations in West Virginia protect survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence, and make sure they have access to needed support

“It is absolutely essential that every West Virginia family is safe and secure,” said Rockefeller.  “These awards will enable our communities throughout the state to help survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence get the support and resources they need.  It’s a tragedy when anyone is at risk in their own home, and there must be a network they can turn to for safety.  By working together, we can reduce the occurrence and protect survivors.”

“There are few crimes more devastating or terrifying than sexual assault and domestic abuse, and victims deserve our help in recovering from tremendous physical and emotional toll,” Manchin said.  “We need to take the right steps to help those who have been raped, assaulted, stalked or abused, and we need to work together to keep our communities safe from all kinds of sexual and domestic violence.”

“Protecting the safety and security of our citizens is paramount to ensuring healthy communities.  For the many women and children who are tragic victims of assault and abuse, these community programs and support services are critically important to their ability to overcome such heinous crimes,” said Rahall.  “Those who commit heinous crimes against women and children need to know we have the tools in place to build a case against them.  That includes a system to provide victims the strength, support and security to see their perpetrators prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”


The following organizations received awards:

$998,734 for the West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (FRIS):

The FRIS will use the funding to coordinate the efforts of the state’s rape crisis centers in responding to sexual assault, specifically targeting Fayette, Jackson, Marion, Mason, Morgan, and Preston Counties.  It will work to expand and promote accessible, responsive services to survivors of stalking and sexual assault, enhance the coordinated community response to sexual assault and stalking, and provide training to response teams.  

$905,739 for the West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services:

The funding will help the State of West Virginia support rape crisis centers and other non-profit, non-governmental organizations that provide core services, direct intervention, and related assistance to survivors of sexual assault.  The state will also work with the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence on a project to increase the safety of survivors of domestic violence and increase offender accountability.  Rape crisis centers and other non-profit organizations often play critical roles in helping sexual assault and domestic violence survivors through the healing process, as well as assisting survivors through the medical, criminal justice, and other social support systems. 

$93,560 for the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WVCADV):

The funding will help the WVCADV improve training for domestic violence advocates, encourage coalition building at the local and state levels, and promote awareness throughout West Virginia about domestic violence.  WVCADV is a statewide network of community-based domestic violence programs and offices that are working to end domestic violence. 
