February 27, 2014

West Virginia Congressional Delegation Requests Further Studies from CDC After Chemical Spill

Delegation supports Governor Tomblin’s request for additional monitoring, surveillance and studies

Washington, D.C. – Today, Senators Joe Manchin and Jay Rockefeller, along with Representatives Nick Rahall, Shelley Moore Capito and David McKinley, sent a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to urge health officials to conduct further studies on the effects of the January 9 chemical spill in the Elk River. The West Virginia Congressional Delegation wrote the letter in support of Governor Tomblin’s request for additional studies, population surveillance, and monitoring.

Please read the full text of the West Virginia Congressional Delegation’s letter below:

Dear Dr. Frieden:

We write in full support of Governor Tomblin’s request for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to immediately conduct further epidemiological and/or toxicological studies and address ongoing population surveillance or monitoring as a result of the January 9 chemical spill in the Elk River, which has affected the water supply of more than 300,000 residents in West Virginia.

This disaster has been ongoing for over a month now.  There is palpable concern and frustration among our citizens, which we share.  It is clear that additional testing is necessary to protect the health and safety of West Virginians, and to reassure the public.

We ask for your careful review of Governor Tomblin’s request and that you provide us with regular updates on your efforts.  We hope that the CDC will continue to work with our State, as we strive for a positive resolution to this emergency.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
