April 26, 2017

Manchin and UMWA Retired Miners Call for Permanent Healthcare Fix at Press Conference

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) participated in a press conference today hosted by the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) calling for a permanent healthcare fix in government funding legislation.

“We would not be at this point today if it weren’t for the retired miners and their widows who have come to Capitol Hill, talked with their representatives, made phone calls and written letters,” Senator Manchin said. “It’s because of their hard work that we are so close to securing a permanent healthcare fix and I thank them for dedicating their time and energy. This is not a partisan issue – we’re on the same team here and we’re fighting for what’s right. I have said this time and time again; coal miners have given us the energy to build the strongest and greatest country on earth. All they are asking for is what they have earned and what they have paid for. The last two days I have spoken to President Trump about finding a permanent fix twice. He called me this morning to reiterate he is with us, he is behind us, and that he is going to do everything he can to get this fixed. We are not accepting another inhumane extension – we are only accepting a permanent fix for healthcare now and a commitment to redoubling our efforts to secure a permanent fix for their pensions.”

To watch a video of the press conference, click here.
