WV Strong: Amanda Joy Ward

Nicholas County

Today, I have a very special Easter story.

This very special story comes from Kris Ward in Nicholas County.  Kris sent this better Angel story about her daughter, Amanda Joy Ward.

When I was Governor, Kris was working as an AmeriCorps volunteer.  Every year, we had a wonderful Easter Egg Hunt, and Kris would attend.

We usually had it on the Capitol grounds, but that year the weather was so dreary, we had to move it inside the Capitol. Kris's young daughter, Amanda Joy, was participating in the egg hunt and I made sure to stop and speak to her. I remember that she said she loved Easter.

We all had a wonderful time that day.  In the years that have passed, Amanda became a Girl Scout.  Her troop has hosted Easter egg hunts for the kids in her community. This year, because of social distancing, the egg hunt won't be able to take place.

So, just like so many years ago when we moved the Easter Egg Hunt inside, Amanda decided that the tradition should go on this year too.  So, Amanda dressed up as the Easter Bunny this weekend in Craigsville. For hours, she waved at passing cars so younger kids could have a bit of Easter fun.

Kris, thank you for sharing this special story. Amanda, thank you for giving back to your community and spreading joy to those around you.