March 22, 2012

Manchin Asks Napolitano for Federal Disaster Aid

Senator Manchin requests disaster relief for the affected areas of Lincoln, Logan and Mingo counties

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) spoke with and wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano today to underscore West Virginia’s critical need for additional federal assistance after more devastating storms caused severe damage in Lincoln, Logan and Mingo counties. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 

Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has again requested a Presidential Disaster Declaration for the affected areas, some of which were hit in both sets of storms within days of each other.

A copy of the letter is included below: 

Dear Secretary Napolitano,  

As I said in our conversation today, I want to thank you so much for your work in getting federal disaster aid to the people of our state quickly last week. West Virginians are already beginning to receive help, and they are grateful for the assistance. 

Unfortunately, as you know, within days of our conversation last week, our state was hit again with devastating weather in three counties. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has again requested a Presidential Disaster Declaration for the affected areas of Lincoln, Logan and Mingo counties. Residents in those areas experienced levels of devastating flooding not seen in a century. Some residents were hit in both sets of storms. The people of our state are working hard to lend a hand to everyone in need, but these residents are also in need of additional federal assistance. 

I know that you will do everything you can to help our great state, and I appreciate your attention to this matter. 

With warm regards,

Joe Manchin III
