February 01, 2011

Manchin Cosponsors Bill That Would Give National Guard a Seat With The Joint Chiefs of Staff

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) will cosponsor the Guardians of Freedom Act of 2011, a bill introduced by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) to elevate the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to a position on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Our National Guard and Reserve forces have bravely assumed a major role in our combat missions, and they deserve a seat at the table along with our active duty forces,” Manchin said. “I am proud to work with Senator Rockefeller on this initiative to give the Guard a louder voice and a larger influence.

“West Virginia’s National Guard and Reserve forces are the best in the nation, and as Governor, I was proud to be their commander-in-chief. Not only are they an operational force to be reckoned with on the front lines defending our nation abroad, they are also first on the scene during disasters here at home. The expanded role of the National Guard and Reserve has required incredible sacrifices from these men and women, as well as their families, and they are owed the appropriate recognition for their selfless protection of this nation."


The Guardians of Freedom Act of 2011 bill would elevate the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to a full member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  It would also require the Chief of the National Guard Bureau consult with the governors and the state Adjutant Generals on matters related to the National Guard.  This would allow National Guard concerns to be addressed regarding military operations, policy and budget that impact the National Guard.

