September 07, 2018

Manchin Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Pre-Existing Conditions in Huntington

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) participated in a roundtable discussion today in West Virginia with religious, business and community leaders and West Virginians with pre-existing conditions. Huntington Mayor Steve Williams and Huntington Fire Chief Jan Rader were both in attendance. They discussed the lawsuit threatening West Virginians’ pre-existing conditions protections. This is the fifth roundtable Senator Manchin has hosted or participated in on pre-existing conditions since the lawsuit was filed by West Virginia’s Attorney General to allow insurance companies to once again deny coverage to West Virginians with pre-existing conditions. Oral arguments for the lawsuit began on Wednesday and Senator Manchin went to the Senate floor to urge his colleagues to pass his resolution to protect nearly 800,000 West Virginians and millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions from losing their healthcare.

“Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and pregnancy are all examples of a pre-existing condition and nearly 800,000 West Virginians have one. West Virginians continue to tell me they are terrified about what this dangerous lawsuit will mean for their families. Today I had the opportunity to talk with religious leaders, business owners and medical professionals in Huntington about what it would mean for them personally. This is the difference between life and death for the 800,000 West Virginians with a pre-existing condition. I will continue doing everything in my power to protect their access to affordable healthcare,” Senator Manchin said.

“If this lawsuit succeeds, these folks who need care won’t have access to it because they won’t have access to any insurance. If you add in not having to cover pre-existing conditions, we are going to be up a holler without a paddle. People will have no choice but to show up in emergency rooms and use emergency rooms for care. Our hospitals are going to go under because they won’t be able to bear the cost for all of those who have pre-existing conditions,” said Barbara Chalfant, Associate Presbyter for Mission at Presbytery of West Virginia. 

Senator Manchin is asking West Virginians to share their stories about the importance of protecting access for those with pre-existing conditions by emailing them to Senator Manchin will read these stories on the Senate Floor. 
