November 11, 2019


Washington, D.C. —U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) participated in a Veterans Day celebration at the American Legion Post in Follansbee today. The event honored World War II Veteran Joseph Guio posthumously for his heroic actions during the sinking of the USS Monoghan during World War II. Senator Manchin awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, as well as a citation signed by the Secretary of the Navy and a combat ribbon to the family of Mr. Guio.

“It is my distinct honor to join our West Virginia Veterans in celebrating Veterans Day with this special presentation for Joseph Guio,” Senator Manchin said. “I am honored to join each of you in recognizing Joseph Guio as his family is presented with his long-overdue service medals. Joseph’s service speaks for itself. Helping his family secure these awards is truly an honor and it is because of brave Service Members like Joseph that we remain a safe, strong and secure nation.”

Joseph Guio worked at Weirton Steel, where all the employees had deferments because it was essential to the war effort. He enlisted at the age of 25. Guio was a member of the USS Monaghan, and he participated in nine combat Naval Operations. But, he ultimately lost his life when his destroyer, the USS Monaghan sailed directly into Typhoon Cobra and sank. Over 700 lives were lost in the Typhoon and only six survived from the USS Monaghan. Guio helped those six men survive.

Photos from the presentation can be viewed here.