November 12, 2019

Manchin Sends More Than 100 Speed Tests To FCC Chairman To Highlight Broadband Coverage Map Issues

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), has sent more than 100 speed test letters submitted by constituents from across West Virginia to Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), since July to highlight incorrect broadband coverage maps and support the need for the formation of a public feedback system to better assess broadband coverage across rural states like West Virginia. These speed test results are from 28 counties across West Virginia.

“In 1935 FDR created the rural electrification program to bring electricity to communities across America. In present day, the fight to bring reliable broadband to rural communities across the nation is as important. Without access to the internet, citizens can’t learn, apply for jobs, or become members of society who can give back to their communities. We must ensure that rural communities like those in West Virginia have access to reliable broadband, which is why I have sent 106 letters and counting to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai since July to highlight this major issue in our state. I hope that this flood of letters to his office will show Chairman Pai the importance of correct coverage maps so that all Americans can have access to reliable broadband. I challenge West Virginians to send me your speed test results from across the state so we can continue to show the FCC the actual broadband speeds available on the ground in West Virginia,” said Senator Manchin.

The 106 letters can be read here:

Until the FCC establishes a user-friendly public feedback mechanism to allow West Virginians to help validate the FCC’s coverage data, Senator Manchin will continue to send speed test results to Chairman Pai. If you would like Senator Manchin to send your own speed test results to the Federal Communications Commission please email a screenshot of your speed test (if possible) along with the following information to

  1. The name of the speed testing application used (i.e: Ookla, FCC speed test application, NACo’s TestIT application, WV Broadband Enhancement Council’s speed test etc.)
  2. The type of device used to take a speed test (i.e: Apple iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy, laptop etc.)
  3. Type of broadband service (fixed or mobile)
  4. Name of provider
  5. Address of area tested
  6. Latitude and Longitude (if available)
  7. A brief description of the challenges you have experienced due to your lack of broadband service

Or, if you are unable to email this information due to lack of service, please send the information above to his Washington, DC office:

Senator Joe Manchin III

306 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510