April 29, 2021

Manchin Provides Update On American Rescue Plan Housing Assistance For West Virginians

Video of Senator Manchin’s statement on housing assistance included in the American Rescue Plan can be found here

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) provided an update on housing assistance for West Virginians included in the American Rescue Plan. West Virginia is receiving $1,246,924 in the first round of funding from the American Rescue Plan to identify and assist students experiencing homelessness and $28,290,754 from the HOME Investments Partnerships program to fund affordable housing programs across the state. 

“Over the last year, many West Virginians have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and have faced increased economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This uncertainty has led to increasing numbers of West Virginians experiencing homelessness during these difficult times. The American Rescue Plan includes funding to help Americans and West Virginians who have been forced to choose between putting food on the table or keeping a roof over their family’s heads,” Senator Manchin said. “The American Rescue Plan also includes $800 million that I successfully fought to include in the package to help schools identify and assist students currently experiencing homelessness, and I am pleased Department of Education Secretary Cardona is moving quickly to allocate these funds to help our students. The housing assistance in the American Rescue Plan will increase access to affordable housing, helping many West Virginians get back on their feet and ensure every West Virginian has a roof over their head and a warm place to sleep at night.”

American Rescue Plan Impacts on Housing Assistance:

  • $1.2 Million For Students Experiencing Homelessness: Last week, Senator Manchin announced that West Virginia will receive $1,246,924 in the first round of funding from the American Rescue Plan that will help identify and assist students currently experiencing homelessness across the state. In March, The Senate unanimously passed Senator Manchin’s bipartisan amendment to include $800 million in the American Rescue Plan to support students currently experiencing homelessness and in April, Senator Manchin led five bipartisan Senators in urging U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to quickly implement the $800 million fund.
  • $28 Million For Affordable Housing Programs: In April, Senator Manchin announced that West Virginia will receive $28,290,754 for the HOME Investments Partnerships program from the American Rescue Plan. The HOME program provides grants to state and local governments to fund housing programs to meet local needs and priorities.

A video of Senator Manchin’s statement on the increase in housing assistance from the American Rescue Plan can be found here.

A timeline of Senator Manchin’s efforts to address children and youth homelessness can be found here.

To learn more about the American Rescue Plan funding and benefits for West Virginia, click here.