December 19, 2013

Manchin Sees Firsthand The Impact of Sequestration on Military Aviators

Manchin participates in training exercises with Marine Corps fighter squadron

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Chair of the Airland Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee, recently had the honor of spending the day with a Marine Corps fighter squadron at Andrews Air Force Base. He wanted to see firsthand the impact sequestration and budgetary cuts has had on military aviators as well as learn more about the Marine Corps’ plans to modernize their fighter jets.

On Monday, December 16, Senator Manchin, a commercial pilot himself, participated in a Marine Corps flight briefing, donned a survival vest and flight helmet, and joined fighter pilots in routine training exercises.

“After spending the day with an elite group of individuals, I left Andrews Air Force Base with a deeper appreciation for these Marines and for military aviators,” Senator Manchin said. “Our nation’s air superiority is unchallenged, but that advantage is tenuous if sequester cuts continue to force aviation units across America to be grounded. Our military units need continued investment and funding, and I left even more convinced that the sequester’s across-the-board cuts are damaging the effectiveness of our military. I am encouraged that the Murray-Ryan budget deal will help bring back a sense of normalcy to our fighting units and aviators.”

To view photos of Senator Manchin’s visit to Andrews Air Force Base, please visit his website or Facebook page.
