In the News

May 04, 2013

Background checks | The Register-Herald

by Editorial Board

There has been a lot said lately about The Public Safety And Second Amendment Rights Protection Act. The amendment, authored by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., went down to defeat last month, falling short of passage in the Senate by a mere five votes. We've heard about it from the politicians. We've heard about it from the afternoon talk show hosts. We've heard about it from the evening newscasters. We've heard about it from the commentators on weekend news … Continue Reading

May 02, 2013

GUN CONTROL: ‘We are not giving up’ | Charleston Gazette

by Phil Kabler

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said Wednesday he's pushing forward on legislation to expand background checks for gun buyers, saying he believes the facts and common sense ultimately will prevail. "We are not giving up," Manchin said. Legislation he co-sponsored with Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., fell six votes short of the 60 needed for passage three weeks ago, although a no vote by Majority Leader Harry Reid was procedural, so that the bill could be reconsidered. Manchin told Gazette editors … Continue Reading

April 29, 2013

Joe Manchin inducted into Order of La Sila | Times West Virginian

by Mary Wade Burnside

CLARKSBURG - Whether he's waiting with the mothers of miners at the Sago mine to find out the fate of their loved ones or comforting parents of 6-year-olds killed by a gunman's fire, U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin knows his response and his actions have been formed by those who came before him and raised him. "When I saw the mine tragedy at Sago, I will never forget that," Manchin said Sunday evening at Village Square Conference Center in Clarksburg as he was inducted into the Order of La Sila, … Continue Reading

April 23, 2013

Joe Manchin's Model for Red-State Democrats | Daily Beast

by Michael Tomasky

Last Friday I went to a small breakfast at Third Way where Joe Manchin was the speaker. This was just two days of course after the failed vote, so interest in his thoughts was keen, and I must say he didn't disappoint. I've sat and listened to a lot of senators, and I have to say Manchin was certainly above average in terms of candor and absence of the usual politician's fog. Why did he, a red-state senator who famously took a rifle to the climate bill, take this fight on in the first place? … Continue Reading

April 20, 2013

Manchin: Washington gun mess | Saturday Gazette-Mail

by Editorial

Although the U.S. Senate's attempt to reduce gun danger ended in a fiasco, West Virginians can be proud of their two senators - especially Joe Manchin, who moved past his pro-gun record and became a national leader for sensible safety rules. He stood tall. The state Council of Churches voted to thank Manchin publicly in behalf of all West Virginia churchgoers for "reaching across the aisle in seeking some resolution on the issue of gun violence." However, the final outcome was sad: Fifty … Continue Reading

April 18, 2013

Gun bill | Beckley Register Herald

by Editorial

Hopefully, Manchin's efforts will promote more dialogue on numerous fronts in D.C. It was a bold attempt, but it failed. Still, the issue must be faced. Maybe this was the start. Earlier this month, U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., introduced the Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act, a bill aimed to prevent convicted criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from purchasing guns, while not infringing on lawabiding gun owners' Second Amendment … Continue Reading

April 10, 2013

Congress should approve Manchin-Toomey gun deal | Washington Post

by Washington Post Editorial Board

When he ran for the Senate in 2010, then-West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D) released a campaign ad in which he loaded, aimed and fired a rifle, showing off his endorsement by the National Rifle Association (NRA) before shooting a hole through an unpopular bill. Now Mr. Manchin is one of the architects of a major new compromise on federal gun rules - approval of which is the least Congress can do following the country's spate of mass shootings. If everything goes according to plan, the Senate … Continue Reading

April 10, 2013

Sen. Joe Manchin bridges gun-control divide to pave way for expanded laws | Washington Post

Before Wednesday, Sen. Joe Manchin III was not known for crafting complicated legislation. He was known for shooting it. That is not a metaphor. In 2010, Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, filmed a campaign ad that highlighted his outsider politics, his distance from President Obama, and his love of firearms, all in one memorable act of man-on-bill violence. He used a hunting rifle to blast a hole in a copy of Obama's favored "cap and trade" climate proposal. On Wednesday, Manchin was … Continue Reading

April 05, 2013

Manchin to youth: ‘Get involved’ | Times West Virginian

by Emily Gallagher

MORGANTOWN - Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., finished his Common Sense Solutions Tour on Thursday. He toured the state all week to discuss the common-sense solutions that are needed to gain a stronger economy in West Virginia. Manchin closed out his tour in Morgantown on Thursday, first visiting MVB Bank in Sabraton for its ribbon-cutting ceremony, then going to Monongalia General Hospital for the grand opening of the Hazel Ruby McQuain Birth Center. Manchin said he hopes this tour will help get … Continue Reading

April 05, 2013

Work to save airport tower taking flight | Parkersburg News and Sentinel

by Jolene Craig

WILLIAMSTOWN -Working together to keep the local air traffic control tower open, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and airport officials are keeping communication open. "I am impressed Manchin did call and speak with the Department of Transportation," said Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport manager Terry Moore. "This really proves to me that he is a man of his word and I am happy to work with him." During a meeting at West Virginia University at Parkersburg on Wednesday for his "Commonsense … Continue Reading

April 04, 2013

Sen. Manchin visits to hear local concerns | Parkersburg News and Sentinel

by Brett Dunlap

PARKERSBURG - U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., was in Parkersburg Wednesday talking about issues affecting the local airport, the banking community and residents in general. Manchin was at West Virginia University at Parkersburg meeting with residents, banking representatives and officials with the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport as part of his "Commonsense Solutions" tour across the state. The senator said solutions are needed to achieve a stronger West Virginia economy and he wanted to … Continue Reading

April 03, 2013

Manchin speaks to journalism students | Huntington Herald Dispatch

by Beth Hendricks

HUNTINGTON -- Sen. Joe Manchin talked about the challenges of his job and those of the next generation of workers during a meeting with journalism students at Marshall University on Tuesday. The informal group discussion was part of Manchin's "Commonsense Solutions" tour across West Virginia and an opportunity, Manchin said, to hear from members of tomorrow's workforce. "This is another chance to be here with the Herd, to talk to some of the best and brightest and learn from them what their … Continue Reading

March 21, 2013

Manchin receives award for backing music education | Herald-Mail

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., received the Support Music Award Wednesday for his support of music education in West Virginia. The award was presented in a Capitol Hill ceremony attended by the Shepherdstown (W.Va.) Middle School jazz ensemble, musical artists and other advocates for music education. The West Virginia leaders were each honored by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), VH1 Save The Music Foundation and the National Association for Music … Continue Reading

March 14, 2013

North students get ‘a lot out of’ Manchin’s visit | Times West Virginian

by Jessica Borders

RACHEL - Students at North Marion High School were in awe when U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, DW. Va., paid them a visit Wednesday. The senator stopped by the school around 7:45 a.m. to meet with two Advanced Placement government classes, which joined together in teacher Elizabeth Lopez's classroom for the occasion. In addition to those 35 AP government students, who are primarily seniors, a group of journalism and yearbook students was also present for the discussion. Lopez said the idea … Continue Reading

March 14, 2013

Manchin’s speech on medal merits applause | Elkins Inter-Mountain

by Editorial

Sen. Joe Manchin's decision that an issue on which he took a strong stance merited a speech on the Senate floor will be applauded by many of his Mountain State constituents. So will the Defense Department's decision to listen to Manchin, D-W.Va., and other critics of its plan for a new medal honoring some in the military. The new Distinguished Warfare Medal was intended to honor service men and women who work with technology to fight our enemies. Recipients might include, for example, … Continue Reading

March 06, 2013

Joe Manchin is man in the middle - of guns and Senate | McClatchy Newspapers

by William Douglas

WASHINGTON - When he jumped into the contentious debate over the nation's gun laws, Sen. Joe Manchin learned quickly that he'd committed a crime in politically toxic Washington. "The environment in Washington is guilt by conversation," said Manchin, the Democratic junior senator from West Virginia. A lifelong National Rifle Association member with an "A" legislative grade from the group, Manchin underscored his credentials as an against-the-grain Democrat when he shot a mock Obama-era … Continue Reading

March 05, 2013

Manchin, Rockefeller Announce Federal Funding for Two Organizations in WV to Provide Affordable Housing

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin today announced $173,125 in federal funding for two nonprofit organizations in West Virginia to support their efforts to provide affordable housing and home ownership advice for West Virginians. "Home ownership is a true achievement for families," said Rockefeller. "These organizations help make sure West Virginians can get the help they need to purchase a home if it makes financial sense for them, and also help families learn about … Continue Reading

February 28, 2013

Manchin Named Chairman of Armed Services Subcommittee | The Wheeling Intelligencer

by Joselyn King

WHEELING - Sen. Joe Manchin is now chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Airland for the 113th Congress. The subcommittee oversees the air and ground equipment of all four military service branches, including the National Guard and Reserves, said Manchin, D-W.Va. It previously was chaired by former Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn. "The most important thing, Airland oversees the National Guard's and Reserves' equipment issues," Manchin said. "We have a lot of … Continue Reading

February 28, 2013

Eastern Panhandle constituents meet with Sen. Manchin in Washington to discuss local issues | Martinsburg Journal

by Rachel Molenda

WASHINGTON - A bus full and then some of Eastern Panhandle constituents brought local flavor to the nation's capital early Wednesday morning for a regional event at the office of Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. The group of residents, business owners and community leaders was invited to join the freshman senator for his Wednesday Wake Up With Joe event, which is held weekly when Congress is in session. Breakfast was furnished in part by the Eastern Panhandle's own Royalicious Bagel Bakery and Blue … Continue Reading

February 22, 2013

Ojeda Goes To Washington | Logan Banner

by Debbie Rolen

When he got the call from Sen. Joe Manchin, Richard Ojeda didn't think he could make arrangements or get permission to go, but when he spoke to his commander, he was told to get ready and go. There are only 450 people invited to attend the event. Ojeda said he would not have been one of those few if it had not been for LEAD. He believes Sen. Manchin had been watching what LEAD has been doing since last April. "If it hadn't been for the nine people who helped to start the program from nothing … Continue Reading

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