In the News

February 05, 2013

Bravo to Joe: Manchin right not to follow leader on debt vote | Martinsburg Journal

by Editorial

When Sen. Joe Manchin voted against a bill to expand the national debt last week, he knew full well his opposition would not stop the measure. It passed the Senate handily, by a 64-34 vote. Manchin, D-W.Va., was the only Democrat to vote against the measure. Every one of the others followed orders from Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and President Barack Obama. A few Republicans joined them because the bill originated in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives. Given Obama's success … Continue Reading

January 25, 2013

F.D.A. Likely to Add Limits on Painkillers | New York Times

by Sabrina Tavernise

Trying to stem the scourge of prescription drug abuse, an advisory panel of experts to the Food and Drug Administration voted on Friday to toughen the restrictions on painkillers like Vicodin that contain hydrocodone, the most widely prescribed drugs in the country. The recommendation, which the drug agency is likely to follow, would limit access to the drugs by making them harder to prescribe, a major policy change that advocates said could help ease the growing problem of addiction to … Continue Reading

January 18, 2013

'No Labels' | Bluefield Daily Telegraph

by Editorial

First it was the fiscal cliff crisis. Now it is the looming debt ceiling showdown. Simply put, the government could run out of cash to pay its bills by early February without a deal to raise the nation's borrowing limit. And once again Democrats and Republicans are miles apart when it comes to reaching an agreement. It's more of the same bitter partisan gridlock that we've seen over the last year, and a growing number of citizens living outside of Washington are becoming fed up with this … Continue Reading

January 17, 2013

School safety is a growing concern | Clarksburg Exponent

by Editorial

While we're sure President Obama's gun control proposal will stir massive amounts of debate and distrust, we hope the focus remains on what has prompted the gun debate: School safety. Instead of turning this into a political football about a contentious issue, we believe there are steps that can be taken now and in the near future that will help to improve conditions for students and teachers. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is leading an effort to focus on school issues that could help to stop … Continue Reading

January 16, 2013

Manchin Wants to Spend More Time in Washington | The Wheeling Intelligencer

by Joselyn King

WHEELING - Sen. Joe Manchin wonders whether Congress might be more productive if it had a five-day work week. Members of the House and Senate typically spend three days in Washington each week when Congress is in session before returning to their home districts for the weekend. "We spend more time traveling than we do working," Manchin said. Manchin, D-W.Va., suggested Tuesday members might get more accomplished if the congressional calendar were changed so they stayed and worked for three … Continue Reading

January 15, 2013

Senator Manchin talks with Charleston leaders | WV MetroNews

by Travis Brinks

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin stopped in Charleston Tuesday as part of his "Standing Up For The Next Generation Tour" in West Virginia. As part of the tour, Senator Manchin is visiting several communities in the state and holding meetings with business, labor and community leaders regarding the country's financial house. During the meeting in Charleston, Manchin talked with leaders from AARP, the Kanawha County Commission and many others regarding a range of topics including Medicaid, Healthcare … Continue Reading

January 01, 2013

Manchin hopes to 'CALM' fiscal cliff storm | The State Journal

by Whitney Burdette

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., has been pushing for bipartisan compromise on the national budget since he stepped foot in the U.S. Senate chambers. But as the so-called fiscal cliff looms, Manchin is taking action. Manchin introduced the Cliff Alleviation at the Last Minute Act, or CALM Act, Dec. 30, fewer than 36 hours before tax hikes and sequestration go into effect for 2013. Manchin's plan would alleviate the worst effects of the cliff while providing a path to a long-term solution, according … Continue Reading

December 20, 2012

Manchin’s comments deserve some discussion | The Martinsburg Journal

by Editorial

Comments by U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin concerning how to prevent violence such as that at a school in Newtown, Conn., were controversial, to say the least. Manchin seemed to indicate he is willing to consider some new federal limits on what types of firearms Americans can own. But it is important to note Manchin, D-W.Va., said much more in comments to a reporter this week. Consideration of his opinions as a whole should not be limited by the bitter disputes that will result from what he said … Continue Reading

December 10, 2012

West Virginia Senator Discusses Future of Sugar Grove Naval Base | WHSV

PENDLETON COUNTY, Va. -- Nearly 200 sailors and their families, who are stationed at the Sugar Grove base, will move out within the next three years. Regardless of the move, lawmakers want to make sure the facility will be put to use. Sen. Joe Manchin said he was planning to meet with some people from the Navy on Tuesday to answer his questions about people leaving Sugar Grove and to find out what is next for the base. The meeting was canceled because of the weather, but Manchin said he … Continue Reading

December 06, 2012

Senators join call for relief funds | Charleston Daily Mail

by Jared Hunt

For the second day in a row, members of the state's Congressional delegation pressed federal emergency officials for more disaster aid to fund Superstorm Sandy recovery efforts. Senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin, both D-W.Va., also pushed the White House and Congress to make sure West Virginia gets its fair share of aid. "Supplemental recovery funding is critical, and I hope that it will transcend the politics that have too often left this institution gridlocked," Rockefeller … Continue Reading

December 06, 2012

Manchin: D.C. Should Act More Like BEST | The Wheeling Intelligencer

by Joselyn King

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin he believes Washington should look to the local Project BEST organization to learn the value of cooperation. Manchin, D-W.Va., came from Washington to speak as Project BEST celebrated the holiday season with its annual breakfast Wednesday at Oglebay Park in Wheeling. More than 400 turned out for the 26th annual event. Project BEST stands for "building efficiency by striving together." The group is a cooperative effort involving building trades contractors and craftspeople … Continue Reading

December 04, 2012

Manchin seeks public input on budget | Charleston Daily Mail

by Zack Harold

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - With the United States drawing ever closer to the so-called "fiscal cliff," Sen. Joe Manchin spent part of Monday seeking input from constituents on how to fix the country's budget problems. If Congress does not pass a new budget plan before Jan. 1, 2013, tax cuts introduced during President George Bush's administration will automatically expire and $1.2 trillion will be cut from the budget over the next 10 years. Speaking at the "People Before Politics" conference at the … Continue Reading

December 04, 2012

Manchin laments failure of disabilities treaty | The Charleston Gazette

by Paul J. Nyden

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin criticized Republicans in the Senate on Tuesday for failing to ratify an international treaty to protect the rights of people with disabilities around the world. The Senate voted 61 to 38 in favor of the treaty, called the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities, but it needed 66 votes to pass. All 38 votes against the treaty came from Republicans. Eight Republicans joined Democrats and two independents in voting for the treaty. Former … Continue Reading

November 29, 2012

Manchin supports resolution to end war in Afghanistan | The Charleston Gazette

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., spoke on the Senate floor Thursday, helping lead efforts to pass a resolution to end the war in Afghanistan by 2014. Manchin was an original co-sponsor of the amendment, which passed 62-33. Manchin said 66,000 American combat troops remain in Afghanistan. President Obama plans to reduce their number at "a steady pace" until they are home by the end of 2014. "I would prefer a faster pace, as long as it didn't jeopardize the safety of the troops. … Continue Reading

November 20, 2012

Small-town values: Joe Manchin applies ‘common-sense solutions’ in political career | Times West Virginian

by Jonathan Williams

(Editor's note: This is the next story in a series about politicians from recent history who have had a profound impact on West Virginia.) FAIRMONT - There's no definitive guide on how to be a successful politician, but if some enterprising soul were to sit down and try to write it, the first chapter would be about identifying with voters. Political careers have been forged and destroyed by whether the candidate seems like "one of us" or "out of touch." For that reason, just about every … Continue Reading

November 15, 2012

Lawmakers optimistic energy deals can get done | Politico

by Andrew Restuccia

After two years of gridlock and endless campaigning, lawmakers from both parties are optimistic that the winds are finally favorable for progress on energy legislation. Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's energy and power subcommittee, said he hopes to meet soon with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the incoming chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, to discuss areas of compromise. "I think we have a lot of areas where we have … Continue Reading

November 15, 2012

What's next? | The Beckley Register-Herald

by Editorial

Southern West Virginia could use some good news. Like the provision of more accessible and improved roadways. More developed land. And more long term jobs. Yet, it appears that the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency specifically, is stymieing efforts to bring much needed progress to our region - once again. Recently, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Jay Rockefeller, Rep. Nick Rahall and Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin each publicly expressed their displeasure with the … Continue Reading

October 24, 2012

Manchin: Repair Internal Problems | The Wheeling Intelligencer

by Daniel Dorsch

MOUNDSVILLE - Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he wants to focus on fixing the internal problems of West Virginia and America. "Other nations think that we will destroy ourselves from within," Manchin said at the Democrat headquarters on Jefferson Avenue in Moundsville Tuesday. "We've got to do something big and bold in order to fix this country." As election season draws to a close, Manchin urged his fellow elected officials not to get carried away with politics and forget the big … Continue Reading

October 10, 2012

Bipartisanship Not Dead in Washington | The Wheeling Intelligencer

by Editorial

Sometimes it seems partisanship has become the foundation of government policy in Washington. Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on very little, it often appears. Such is not the case, of course, though during an election campaign that can be difficult to discern. This week U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. - who has made it a priority to work against partisanship for its own sake - became a target in the Republican vs. Democrat nastiness. A fellow senator, Republican Rand Paul of … Continue Reading

October 09, 2012

Senator Manchin received a warm Taylor County welcome | The Grafton Mountain Statesman

by Bobby Jennings

GRAFTON - The dining room at Strike 12 Restaurant was filled with local officials, politicians, and business owners late Thursday afternoon for United States Senator Joe Manchin's visit. Manchin, who knows no stranger in Taylor County, greeted the crowd with confidence, expressing a genuine appreciation for everyone in attendance. Of all those present for the meeting, the most surprised with the visit had to have been Chris Loftis, the new owner of the facility. Loftis was invited by … Continue Reading

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